Taylor Wolff

(aka T.W Starbuyer)

[email protected]

About Me

Computer Science student, undergraduate researcher, and former teaching assistant at The Evergreen State College. My recent research experience has been developing a novel web based system for generating cybersecurity hints with a small language model locally on consumer-grade CPUs/GPUs.


Undergraduate Research Assistant
Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence
The Evergreen State College
Advisor: Dr. Richard Weiss
Oct 24' - Present

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow
Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence
The Evergreen State College
Advisor: Dr. Richard Weiss
July 24' - Sept. 24'

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Data Structures and Algorithms for Bioinformatics
The Evergreen State College
Advisor: Dr. Paul Pham
April 24' - June 24'

Teaching Assistant
Computer Systems and Architecture
The Evergreen State College
Professor: Dr. Richard Weiss
April 24' - June 24'

Conference Presentations

Jens Mache , Richard Weiss, Taylor Wolff, Adin Dajdzic (2024) "Capture The Flag (CTF) With Feedback" (Workshop), BSides PDX.1. Taylor Wolff , 2. Richard Weiss (2024) "EDUHints: A Dashboard for Generating
Cybersecurity Hints on the CPU with A Small Language Model
"(Poster), Annual Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Northwestern Regional Conference.


Researched, developed and tested ’EDUHints’, a novel and award winning small language model full-stack web application that generates relevant hints for students on the Cybersecurity Education platform EDURange. You can view a talk I gave on the project and my code on GitHub.

Suffix Tree Constructor
Lead algorithmic work for and pair programmed with my fellow researchers an on-line suffix tree constructor using an efficient implementation (O(n)) of Ukkonen’s Algorithm in Rust.


1st Place Prize, CCSC Student Research Poster Competition (2024) Annual Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Northwestern Regional Conference